Tag Archives: British Columbia

Glass floor for an iconic salmon hatchery

About 15 months after a December 2013 fire completely destroyed the Mossom Creek Hatchery in Port Moody, B.C., the facility reopened thanks to the work of a group of volunteers, fundraising, and donated building products. Among its features, the project boasts a 60-minute insulated glass (IG) unit walkable glass floor/skylight.

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CCIL announces lab leadership awards

The Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories (CCIL) honoured Todd Strynadka and the B.C. Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association with its leadership award for safeguarding the public and the environment. Strynadka and the association were recognized for their leadership roles in helping CCIl establish lab certification programs in British Columbia for asphalt and aggregate testing.

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NAFA honours 32 recipients with clean air awards

The National Air Filtration Association (NAFA) has announced the winners of its 2015 Clean Air Awards. The award is presented each year to building owners and managers in Canada and the United States that take the steps to significantly improve indoor air quality (IAQ) by increasing the level or efficiency of the HVAC air filtration system in 10 specific categories.

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B.C. nature group partners with cement company to save amphibians

Fraser Valley Conservancy worked with cement manufacturer Lafarge to create an innovative concrete tunnel for amphibian protection. Since 2008, the Fraser Valley Conservancy has been working with local landowners in the Ryder Lake area of Chilliwack, B.C. to study migration patterns of local amphibians. There are six species in the area, including Western toads, Northern Red-legged frogs, Pacific Chorus frogs, Northwestern salamanders, long-toed salamanders, and rough-skinned newts.

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