Tag Archives: aluminum

Activating the fifth facade: Enhancing rooftop design with metal fabric

By Dale Payne, P.E.

With a lack of available space, developing the rooftop, or “fifth facade,” has become an essential solution. Facility managers and specifiers tasked with building and renovating office buildings, schools, and health care facilities prioritize health and flexible design while noting that outdoor spaces increase concentration, productivity, healing, and overall occupant well-being and satisfaction.

However, designing exterior architectural features can be challenging, as natural elements such as wind, rain, and snow test …

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Kinetic façade systems: Adding a dynamic element to building structures

Wind-driven kinetic façade systems add dynamic movement to building enclosures and wall systems. Responding to air currents, the flapper-panel design creates the look of rolling waves across the wall. Suitable for both small- and large-scale projects, popular applications include transit and parking facilities, cultural institutions, entertainment venues, and artistic installations.

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