According to Energy Star, R-value is a measure of an insulation’s ability to resist heat traveling through it.
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Using an overhead high-volume, low-speed (HVLS) fan’s bi-directional airflow and elevated air speed is a powerful way to improve ventilation, thereby reducing the concentration of airborne pathogens through dilution. Occupant comfort can be assured in applications ranging from non-conditioned industrial spaces to commercial buildings.
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Water is the most significant factor in the premature deterioration of our buildings. Excessive moisture accumulation on porous materials can lead to water penetration, freeze-thaw damage, efflorescence, cracking, and façade soiling.
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With an appropriate strategy and design, a naturally ventilated structure can be comfortable for all occupants, including those in a multi-storey building. This article examines how natural ventilation fits into mixed-mode setups, safety considerations for building occupants, and esthetic features, and also explores how it can relieve engineers of issues associated with pairing an off-the-shelf actuator with a standard window.
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