High above the ground, vegetated roofs mimic nature, helping clean the air, cooling down temperatures, keeping rainfall onsite, and alleviating pressure on urban stormwater systems. Vegetated roofs typically include a vegetation layer, growing medium, retention layer, drainage, and a root barrier.
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Throughout Canada, there are many beautiful, living vegetated roofs dotting urban landscapes that require care. Creating these green roofs is not only an esthetic choice, but also a major maintenance commitment. Some municipalities and cities, such as Toronto, require rooftop maintenance plans in order to obtain a vegetated roof permit.
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The number of vegetated roofs has consistently experienced double-digit growth over the past decade. An annual market survey conducted by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) shows the North American industry grew by 10 per cent in 2013 over the previous year, when a total of 519,151 m2 (6.4 million sf) were installed over 950 projects
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