HFOs have a significantly lower global warming potential (GWP) than HFCs. While the GWP of some HFCs can range in the thousands, the GWP of HFOs is typically less than 10. This drastic reduction...
Tag: 07 21 29 Sprayed Insulation
The push towards HFO-based sprayfoam technology is the latest step in an ongoing evolution to phase out the use of chemicals known to harm the ozone and climate. This article will explain the blowing...
Using SPF insulation in zero-net energy buildings
Use of two-pound, medium-density closed-cell sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF) is growing rapidly in commercial structures. Utilization of the material has been fuelled in large part by its ability to seal the structure and, in...
Evolution in sprayed polyurethane foam
Growing up in a small town in Northern Ontario, this author was exposed to only one true rivalry—the one between the Montréal Canadiens and the Toronto Maple Leafs.