Sweeny&Co to design $50M addition to Ontario university

Sweeny&Co Architects will be designing the new addition to the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University. Image courtesy McMaster University
Sweeny&Co Architects will be designing the new addition to the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University.
Image courtesy McMaster University

Toronto-based Sweeny&Co Architects will design the McLean Centre for Collaborative Discovery, a nine-storey addition to the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University in Hamilton.

According to the firm, modern postsecondary buildings like the McLean Centre are moving beyond chair-and-podium configurations to more closely resemble the collaborative spaces found at today’s leading companies.

“The design principles that are informing the physical environments for both work and higher learning are merging rapidly,” said Dermot Sweeny, founding principal, Sweeny&Co Architects.

The McLean Centre will be a state-of-the-art collaboration, collision, networking, and study space, equipped with interactive tools to help students learn and work together to solve real-world problems.

“Together, the environment that Sweeny&Co Architects and the McMaster team will create will be transparent, welcoming, highly flexible, sustainable, and healthy,” Sweeny adds.

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