Sustainable solutions provider opens first low-carbon fuel plant

by tanya_martins_2 | November 12, 2024 11:23 am

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The new plant will divert approximately 14,000 tonnes (15,432 tons) of waste from landfills. Photo © Christopher Halloran/courtesy

Lafarge Canada, Geocycle Canada, and the Department of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Office of Energy Research and Development (OERD) opened Geocycle’s first low-carbon fuel plant in Canada.

The project received $3.53 million from the federal government’s Energy Innovation Program (EIP), which was created to advance clean energy use and support Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy.

The new plant will divert approximately 14,000 tonnes (15,432 tons) of waste from landfills annually to be pre-processed into low-carbon fuel, thus minimizing reliance on traditional fossil fuels.

The plant will take waste products such as non-recyclable plastics and, soon, construction and demolition waste materials, turning them into low-carbon fuels to make cement and concrete for construction projects.

Commissioning for the plant started in June 2024.

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