by arslan_ahmed | November 17, 2023 4:00 pm
By Mark D. Hagel, PhD., P.Eng, Mike Lafontaine, CTR., SSG., SD
Hollow concrete block masonry was first used as a building material around 1870, when wooden moulds were developed to produce concrete block units from a relatively dry mixture of sand, cement, and water. Around 1900, the first cast iron block producing machine was patented and a decade later, there were more than 1,000 producers of concrete block in North America.
In current construction, concrete masonry units (CMUs) are used as both structural and architectural building materials. CMUs are ideal candidates for carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration because they are porous and carbonate quickly when left exposed to the atmosphere (weathering carbonation) and can also be cured with CO2 in a closed chamber with either low pressure or high-pressure steam (pre-carbonation). For CMUs, CO2 absorption by mass of cement binder is roughly 6.3 per cent. This translates to approximately 0.250 kg (0.5 lb) of CO2 sequestered per standard 198 mm (7.8 in.) hollow CMU. The carbonation of concrete masonry is not only environmentally friendly, but it can also achieve higher early strength.
Concrete block masonry and architectural block masonry also support resilient building. The more extreme weather events being experienced in Canada can be mitigated with concrete masonry as it is fireproof, highly impact resistant, and can store moisture without degradation. A fireproof material provides resiliency against forest fires, while the high impact resistance provides resiliency against hail damage and impact damage during high wind events such as tornadoes. Concrete masonry’s ability to store water provides resiliency against floods and can also reduce water loads on storm water systems when used as veneers, as concrete masonry can absorb more water during heavy rain events than siding or glazing, which shed water to the ground and storm drains, and they can absorb water without degradation to the cladding. Although there is no lab testing for resiliency against floods, there is decades of proven performance where concrete block does not mould rust, or rot. The location of the rebar, when fully grouted, provides adequate protection for a single wythe masonry wall, 95 mm (3.7 in.) of concrete cover for rebar, and is typically protected by an air vapour barrier that is highly resistant to even standing water.
Achieving more climate friendly concrete masonry involves reducing the amount of embodied carbon, as well the amount of operational carbon in the buildings constructed with concrete block masonry. Embodied carbon is the carbon emissions resulting from the extraction, manufacturing, delivery, and installation and disposal of the product, whereas operational carbon are emissions resulting from use of the building such as HVAC, lighting, and power. With concrete masonry, substituting Portland Limestone cement (GUL) for General Use Portland cement (GU) in the manufacture of concrete masonry products and accelerating carbon sequestration by pre-carbonation can reduce embodied carbon emissions. Operational carbon can be reduced by taking advantage of the thermal mass effects of concrete masonry and improved thermal modelling to create concrete masonry assemblies that mitigate the loss of thermal energy and reduce the amount of heating or cooling a building requires during operation. Concrete masonry can be used to create backup walls and claddings that can meet the requirements of net-zero energy building envelopes, eliminating operational carbon from heating. Their long service lives with very little maintenance require concrete masonry buildings and offer an even better carbon footprint when the embodied carbon and operational carbon are amortized over the life of the building. These products are cradle-to-cradle rather than cradle-to-grave, as concrete masonry is 99 per cent recyclable at the end of service.
This article will explore Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) currently available for concrete masonry products and carbon sequestration of concrete masonry units in the forms of weathering carbonation and pre-carbonation of CMUs. The article will also explore achieving net-zero energy buildings (passive house) by introducing improved values to more accurately account for thermal bridging in concrete block-brick veneer walls and explained using a low-rise concrete masonry building achieving the net-zero energy requirements for opaque and fenestration and doors of passive house.1 The article will conclude with the benefits of the thermal mass effects of concrete masonry on reducing operational carbon.
EPDs for concrete block
An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a document that communicates the environmental impact of any product or material over its lifetime. In the construction industry, EPDs support carbon emission reduction by providing comparisons of the impacts of different materials and products to select the most sustainable option. Architects, engineers, and designers can choose the most sustainable option for their project, while manufacturers are able to optimise the impact of their products and market their carbon transparency. An EPD is usually valid for five years, and is generated according to ISO 14040/14044, ISO 14025, EN 15804, or ISO 21930 standards.2
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EPDs can be nationally averaged or plant specific. Plant specific EPDs provide more points in the LEED certification system as they are regarded as more accurate than nationally averaged EPDs. EPDs for concrete block masonry products are also now available. Figure 1 provides an excerpt from the Canadian Concrete Masonry Producers Association’s (CCMPA’s) nationally averaged EPD2 for Eastern Canada producers with an averaged global warming potential (GWP) at 205.38 kg (452 lb) of CO2eq when using GU Portland cement to manufacture the normal weight CMUs; while Figure 2 provides the Eastern Canada producers averaged GWP at 190.58 kg (420 lb) of CO2eq when using GUL to manufacture the normal weight CMUs. From these values, it can be seen the substitution of GUL for the GU cement in the manufacture of concrete block products results in a 7.7 per cent reduction in the GWP of concrete masonry products.
Carbonation of CMU
There are two methods as to how CMUs absorb CO2: weathering carbonation and pre-carbonation (carbon curing).
Weathering carbonation occurs as concrete, used to manufacture the concrete block and also in the mortar joints used to assemble a block wall, matures due to the reaction of CO2 in the presence of moisture with the hydrants (i.e. alkalis) in concrete block, mortar joints, and grout. Specifically, CO2 from the atmosphere diffuses into the capillary pores and combines with the water to form carbonic acid.2 The rate of CO2 diffusion depends on the relative humidity (RH); it is most rapid between 65 and 75 per cent ambient RH.
Carbonic acid then reacts with the hydrants—such as solid calcium hydroxide, calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel, and alkali/calcium ions in pore solutions—to form carbonate. Generally, calcium hydroxide has the highest concentration in Portland cement concretes and mortars.
Both mortar and CMUs, being more porous than cast-in-place concrete, experience higher rates of carbonation. In dense concrete, for example, penetration may be less than 20 mm (0.78 in.) after 50 years, whereas with the mortar in the joints of masonry structures, indicator tests have demonstrated carbonation of a 10 mm (0.3 in.) thick by 90 mm (3.5 in.) deep mortar joint is substantially complete after less than a decade.
A recent study by the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) for ASTM discovered that a 198 mm (7.8 in.) concrete block will be 25 per cent fully carbonated within 28 days of manufacture and 49 per cent within 26 weeks of manufacture (Figure 3a and 3b).3 Although current life cycle analysis (LCA) does not account for carbon sequestration of concrete masonry products due to weathering carbonation in the GWP value, it will likely be included in the near future once more accurate methods of estimating weathering carbon sequestration by concrete masonry products are established.
Pre-carbonation of concrete masonry products occurs by either using CO2 to cure either the units at the time of manufacture or by using cement powder that has been pre-carbonated to manufacture the units. When CO2 is used to cure the units, CO2 sequestered from the atmosphere is introduced into the curing process of autoclaved CMUs. Autoclaved concrete blocks are steam cured in a high-pressure vessel—it is a process that can easily integrate CO2 into the steam curing process. In Figure 4, an existing autoclaving chamber that is in the process of being modified to include CO2 curing into the manufacture of CMUs (Figure 5).
Pre-carbonation typically increases the early strength of the CMUs and reduces shrinkage and defects in the finished units. These higher early strength gains can allow for producers to reduce their cement loading, further reducing their CO2 footprint.
It is estimated that pre-carbonation technologies have the potential to reduce CO2 emissions associated with the manufacturing of concrete blocks, pavers, and segmental retaining walls by up to 32 million tonnes (35 million tons) per year in North America.
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Thermal performance and meeting net-zero building envelope targets
Building operations are estimated to contribute 28 per cent to GHG emissions.4 Canada’s cold climate results in many days per year that buildings must be heated for occupant comfort and building performance. A thermally efficient building envelope can result in a significant decrease in heat lost through the envelope and corresponding reduction in the heat input from HVAC required to maintain occupant comfort. Even with high-efficiency HVAC systems, a thermally efficient envelope significantly reduces GHG from heat energy.
Canada’s commitment to reduce CO2 emission has led to a target of net-zero energy (NZE) or passive house requirements for all new buildings by 2030. CMUs can be used to create building envelopes that achieve net-zero energy building requirements and help reduce the carbon footprint from building operations. When trying to achieve a thermally efficient envelope, it is important to ensure accurate thermal values and latest technologies are being used for the thermal modelling. For example, using surface-mounted brick ties (Figure 6a) rather than embedded brick ties (Figure 6b) can increase the thermal performance of the wall by R-4.2. Currently the online thermal catalogs5 only have thermal values for concrete block back up walls with embedded brick ties.
Using knife plate standoffs at the foundation (Figure 7) and at floor levels can also be used to increase the thermal performance of the wall by R-4.
The use of vermiculite or other insulation to fill the empty cores can increase the wall performance by R-4 as well. However, if these details are implemented in the construction, but are not captured by the thermal modelling because a thermal value cannot be readily found by the modeller, additional insulation without benefit will likely result.
The additional insulation, if unnecessary, can be detrimental, as it can increase the embodied carbon of the building by using more material than necessary to achieve the thermal target. It is estimated that 11 per cent of CO2 produced globally6 is by building construction and materials. When the insulation being used is extruded polystyrene (XPS), expanded polystyrene (EPS), or spray applied polyurethane foam (SPF), the impact is amplified; as these products are fossil-fuel based, are not always recyclable, and can take years to break down in landfills.
In partnership with the University of Alberta, thermal values were obtained and placed into a spreadsheet application (Figure 8) that captures items not currently found in the online thermal catalog and increase the accuracy of thermal models for wall assemblies using CMUs. This masonry thermal catalog application can be used to complement the existing comprehensive online thermal catalog.
Another method to improve thermal efficiency in the envelope is to reduce the number of window and doors (glazing) and increase the amount of opaque wall, resulting in a decrease in the fenestration and door-to-wall ratio (FWDR). It is easiest to illustrate achieving a net-zero energy building for the opaque wall required for passive house standards with an example on a single elevation of a brick veneer with a CMU backing on a two-storey warehouse/office.
Figure 9 provides a 3D rendering of a hypothetical two-storey warehouse/office building located in Calgary, Alberta.
Figure 10 provides the 2D details for the front elevation of the building. The relevant dimensions of the building are as follows: 14 m (46 ft) long, 7.8 m (25 ft) tall at the roof transition, with a 0.6 m (1.9 ft) parapet. There are four 1.83 x 0.810 m (6 x 2.6 ft) windows and two 2.13 x 0.810 m (7 x 2.6 ft) doors on the front elevation.
To achieve passive house (net-zero energy building) requirements, Passive House Canada recommends a target of 0.15 W/m2 K (R-37.8) for opaque walls and 0.8 W/m2 K (R-7.1) for windows and doors.7
When using a concrete block with a brick veneer, two steps are required. The first step is a reduction in the opaque wall insulation demand for using a low glazing ratio that is typically associated with low-rise masonry warehouse and light industrial buildings.
Using a low glazing ratio benefits the overall performance of the walls system. The thermal requirements for fenestration and doors even by Passive House standards are five times worse than that of opaque walls. Therefore, a fully opaque wall with a lower insulation value, say R-22, will typically have an equivalent or better performance than a wall that has R-37.8 (0.8 W/m2 K) in an opaque assembly at the maximum 33 per cent FWDR permitted (based on the Heating Degree Days or HDD) in many parts of Canada when using fenestration and doors at R-7.1(0.15 W/m2 K).
The prescriptive trade-off method developed by the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB)8 captures this and allows a proposed assembly to be designed and constructed if equivalent or less amount of heat energy is lost by the proposed assembly then the prescriptive requirements for an elevation of the same dimensions at maximum permitted FWDR. Using the NECB prescriptive trade-off method, but with the net-zero targets of 0.15 W/m2 K (R-37.8) and 0.8 W/m2 K (R7.1) for opaque walls and for windows and doors respectively on the front elevation (Figure 11), the result of the calculation is a wall that loses 41 W/K of heat energy. This matches the prescriptive requirements for a 33 per cent FWDR wall with R-7 and R-38 opaque walls, but used R-3 triple glazed thermally broken windows and doors and requires only R-23.7 from the opaque walls.
The second step is accounting for thermal bridging of the opaque wall at horizontal linear transitions such as at-grade, floors, and roof transitions, at vertical transitions, at corners, and around windows and doors. Accounting for these bridging effects reduces the clear field value of the opaque block-brick veneer wall and provides a more realistic estimate of the thermal performance of the wall assembly.
When 203 mm (8 in.) of mineral wool is used as external insulation, providing a clear field R-value of the opaque assembly of R-37.3, the clear field R-value of the opaque wall is reduced by thermal bridging effects to R-24.6. However, the target R-value for the opaque wall assembly after trade-off (because of the low FWDR) on this elevation is only R-23.7, so the proposed opaque wall assembly is acceptable. Therefore, this concrete block wall assembly for the opaque walls has met passive house requirements for net-zero energy construction on the front elevation of this hypothetical warehouse/office building located in Calgary.
Thermal mass of CMUs
Thermal mass is a material property that describes how a material absorbs, stores, and then gradually releases heat energy.8 Buildings constructed with CMUs for the back up wall, the veneer, or both, have an energy-saving advantage because of their inherent thermal mass which allows CMU walls to absorb heat energy slowly and hold it for longer periods of time than less dense building materials.
Thermal mass results in fewer spikes in the heating and cooling requirements because the mass of the components slow the response time and better moderate indoor temperature fluctuations. In climates that experience large daily temperature swings, thermally massive buildings use less energy, in comparison to a low mass building of similar size due to the reduced heat transfer through the massive wall components. Thermal mass typically shifts energy demand to off-peak time periods. The thermal mass of concrete has the following benefits and characteristics:
In the U.S., the COM CHECK system permits thermal models to account for thermal mass of concrete masonry, providing a more accurate thermal resistance of the buildings constructed of the material. The NCMA’s thermal mass software9 is location dependent, using local weather data. This software can account for thermal mass, instead of only steady-state thermal models currently used in the NECB. For example, the effective R-value after accounting for thermal mass for a concrete block backup wall with R-20 exterior insulation (101.6 mm [4 in.] XPS) and 90 mm (3.5 in.) brick veneer in New York City is R-27.7. The steady-state thermal analysis methods required by NECB would estimate the effective R-value of the same wall (with embedded ties) at R-20.6.
CMUs have been in use for approximately 120 years. The article has demonstrated the embodied carbon of concrete block can be reduced, whether passively through natural weathering carbonation or by precarbonation using modern technology cure concrete block using CO2. EPDs, both nationally averaged and plant-specific, are now available for concrete block masonry products. Embodied carbon has also been noticeably reduced in concrete block manufacture by the substitution of GUL for the general use and Portland cement GU, which has translated to a 7.7 per cent reduction in the GWP of concrete masonry products.
Recent collaboration with the University of Alberta has led to improved thermal bridging values for concrete block walls. These values were used to demonstrate that concrete block masonry can achieve net-zero energy requirements of 0.15W/m2 K for the opaque wall and 0.8W/m2 K for fenestration and doors, after thermal bridging in the opaque wall of the front elevation of an office building.
Determining the thermal mass effects of concrete block is already being accounted for in the U.S. code and is another way concrete masonry supports climate-friendly construction. Introduction of this into the NECB would be advantageous, not just for masonry, but for any material that exhibits thermal mass effects.
The masonry industry is committed to reducing its carbon footprint, from embodied carbon using innovative ways to reduce emissions during manufacturing, and in operational carbon by ensuring exceptional thermal performance in the envelope to reduce thermal energy use in buildings constructed with this resilient material.
1 Visit[2].
2 Learn more about EPDs at[3].
3 See the ASTM standard,[4].
4 Read the report, “Issues, Impacts, and Mitigations of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Building Sector,” at[5].
5 Visit the online thermal catalogue at[6].
6 Refer to the report at[7].
7 Visit Passive House Canada at[8].
8 See note 6.
9 See[9].
[10] Mark Hagel holds a bachelor of science in actuarial science and applied mathematics, a bachelor of science in civil engineering, and a doctor of philosophy in civil engineering—all from the University of Calgary. Prior to employment with the Alberta Masonry Council, Hagel worked as a building envelope engineer and structural engineer with the Calgary office of Halcrow Yolles. His fields of expertise include thermal and hygrothermal modelling of building systems, corrosion modelling, life cycle cost analysis, structural analysis and design, and the durability of building components. In 2018, he served on the National Research Council of Canada’s (NRC’s) working group that developed the Guideline on Design for Durability of the Building Envelope; and in a working group on the CSA-S478-2019, Durability in Buildings. He can be reached at
[11]Mike Lafontaine is a key account manager with Oldcastle APG Canada West. He holds the following designations: CTR, SSG, SD. Lafontaine previously owned an advertising company with locations in Alberta and B.C. He can be reached at
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