Sustainable Built Environment conference coming to Toronto

by Katie Daniel | April 25, 2016 2:57 pm

The Sustainable Built Environment for the Americas, organized by Sustainable Buildings Canada (SBC), will be held September 19 and 20 in Toronto.  Photo ©
The Sustainable Built Environment for the Americas, organized by Sustainable Buildings Canada (SBC), will be held September 19 and 20 in Toronto.
Photo ©

Sustainable Buildings Canada (SBC) is hosting the Sustainable Built Environment Conference of the Americas in Toronto from September 19 to 20.

Under the theme “Regenerative and Resilient Urban Environments,” the conference expects approximately 500 international environmental stakeholders from industry, academia, and government to explore strategies, projects, and best practices in the sustainable built environment. Half of the conference will be research-based presentations, while the other half will include speakers, panel discussions, and interactive workshops.

The featured speakers include:

To register for the event, click here.[1]

  1. here.:

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