Recent survey results suggest Canadians want a national organization and standards to oversee the construction industry, including welding contractors.
In a public survey commissioned by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB), more than 1000 residents were questioned about product safety, internationally trained worker accreditation, and national industry supervision.
Although survey results reported 97 per cent of participants agreed with having an overarching organization and standard for construction, there is some contradiction regarding safety features, CWB’s Craig Martin told Construction Canada Online.
“When asked to rank importance of features when it comes to keeping Canadian buildings, bridges, and other key infrastructure safe, ‘design’ comes out on top,” he said. “Certified tradespeople come out near the bottom. Quality of materials comes in second (26 per cent) and regular inspection third (21 per cent).”
“Most people assume if a bridge or building is designed to meet the standards, it is being built to those standards,” Martin continued. “Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Industry needs to continue to enforce those standards from design through to building and maintenance.”