For the last several years, Construction Canada has conducted an annual salary survey, publishing the results in the issue coinciding with Construction Specifications Canada’s (CSC) national conference.
CSC always prides itself on being an interdisciplinary association—one that brings together professionals from across the building industry. Its membership includes architects, specifiers, engineers, project managers, product manufacturers’ representatives, contractors, and other experts across the spectrum of those designing, creating, and maintaining the built environment. At the same time, the magazine is read by many who are not part of CSC—71 per cent of survey respondents are not currently members. Having such a wide cross-section of participants offers a bigger perspective on the current state of the industry. We asked questions about everything from income and social media to job satisfaction and future predictions. From coast to coast to coast, more than 700 of you answered, sharing your insight into where we are now… and where we might be headed.
Revealing the respondents
This year, we had responses from every province, as well as the territories. (Ontario led the way, followed by British Columbia and Alberta.) A gender gap remains, with men representing 79 per cent of participants. There is also an age gap—more than half of those surveyed are over 50, while only 13 per cent are under 35. Occupational longevity was also reflected in the fact almost 40 per cent of respondents have been in the business for more than 30 years. However, long careers do not necessarily mean staying at one place—55 per cent have been with their current employer for less than a decade.
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