Study predicts tight labour market in B.C. for engineers and technologists

A recent study focusing on worker supply and demand in 31 occupations across British Columbia found a tight labout market is expected for the engineering, geoscientist, technologist, and technician fields. Photo ©

“Engineers, Geoscientists, Technologists, and Technicians Labour Market Information,” which provides supply and demand predictions for 31 key occupations in British Columbia, forecasted a tight labour market leading up to 2024.

Jointly funded by Asia Pacific Gateway Skills Table (APGST), Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC), Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of British Columbia (ACECBC), and Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia (ASTTBC), the report states 31,000 job openings across the province will need to be filled over the next 10 years.

“This research has provided in depth regional data that will support a critical examination of what needs to be done to bridge the gap,” said APEGBC’s CEO, Janet Sinclair. “As a result, trends in labour supply management are shifting away from today’s boots-on-the-ground model to accommodate the global nature of those professions.”

Southeast and Northern British Columbia is forecasted to experience the greatest labour tightness and shortages due to small populations and billions of dollars in anticipated resource projects. According to the study, part of the solution to fill job vacancies will be to employ immigrants and workers who are new to the workforce.

Experienced workers moving in from other sectors of the labour force or coming to British Columbia from out-of-province will make up 10 per cent of the new supply of workers. This is a preferred method of recruitment, but the small supply will not meet the demand— 40 per cent of workers will need to come from other countries to meet it.

To read the study, click here.

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  1. The search for job is complicated but to find person to fill a certain employment and need for a company . The biggest problem is connection and locating such person. I have been for two year looking for work but it’s hard to find who is looking for your needed. The Canadian goverment should introduce a one web site that list all jobs that are available accross Canada . Here is no shortage it’s being picky or looking only in their back yard and not over to othe provinces,

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