When an industry group grows, it means people see value in its goals (and benefits), and want to be part of it. However, it also shows the association’s current members believe in its mission and have benefitted from the experience, because they are spreading the word and encouraging others to join. More than increased funds, new members bring new ideas and new energy, helping CSC remain a strong, relevant part of the industry.
There were 271 new (or rejoining) members in 2016, 112 of which were sponsored by current CSC members. To recognize recruitment efforts, Eureka Club Awards are given to those who sponsor at least three new members during the year. This time around, Barb Boroskae, Brad Cove, and Hugh Lim were applauded for sponsoring a trio each, while Guy Houle brought in 10 people. However, the top Eureka Club spot—the Russell W. Cornell Award—went to Kaz Kanani, who brought in 24 new members.
As important as these fresh faces are, having long-term members is also critical, as it ensures continuity and serves as an example of passion and service over the decades. Fortunately, CSC has no shortage of veteran volunteers, with several in attendance in Kelowna to receive their Longevity Awards.
60 years
Robert E. Briggs, FCSC
Ivan H. Lavender, FCSC, RSW
Val Stengels, FCSC, RSW
55 years
Casey A. Skakun, FCSC, RSW
Bob O’Brien
50 years
J.K. (Kenneth) Theaker
Edward W. Hamilton, RSW
45 years
Robert J. Anderson, RSW
Geoffrey D. Holmes
Mike Hardy
40 years
Franklin L. Hillman
David Illsey
Douglas Fishburn
David Wilson, FCSC, RSW
Albert Miller
35 years
Kevin Gerencser
Stephen O. Revay, FCSC
Peter Solu
Ronald L. Johnson
Bruce D. Taylor
David Lawrence, FCSC, CTR
30 years
Wayne Yarjau, FCSC, RSW
Rick Hadubiak, CTR, CCCA
Denis Gingras
Barry Ruth
Angelo Mattachione
Glenn Tench
Michael McClure
Don C. Stewart
25 years
Joseph Patai
Susan Morris, FCSC
Joseph Amodeo
Ken Yakimovich
Glenn Mackay
Kari Yuers
Jeff D. Werschner, CTR
David A. Embury, RSW
Corinne Golding, FCSC, RSW
Brian Wiles, RSW
Greg Love
20 years
Jerry Slavish
Peter Macnab
Kamal Elliott, CTR
Walter M. Ferri
Robert Galesloot, CTR
Paul D. Driedger
Mark Buckshon
Jim Scott
Philip Sarvinis
Mitchell Brooks, FCSC
Garett Shandler
David Organ, RSW, CCCA
Ed Van Oene, CTR
Keith Lusty
15 years
Jim Whalen
Bill Anglin, CCCA
Ingrid Felso
Peter Zagar
Brian J. Charette
Dan Austin, CCCA
Sandro Cipparone, CCCA
Michel D. Theauvette
Roger Steers
David E. Miller, CTR
John Lake
Brian Linner, CCCA
Steve Berkin, CTR
Ted Handy
David Maksymec
Sarah-Jane Carpenter
Murray L. Stone, CCCA
Michael P. Barnes
Wendy Earle
Lionel Scribner
Nat Morlando
Len M. O’Connor, RSW, CCCA
Wayne Armstrong, CCCA
Kevin Bonogofski
Daniel Fournier
Chris Davidson, CTR
Richard Craig
Nancy Vruwink
Peter O’Brien, CCCA
Brian H. Wilson
Alice Arsenault, CCCA
Don Moore, CTR
Conal Hancherow, CTR
Melodie Pike, CTR
Jay Jones
Glorianne M. Devamanoharan
Arthur Anderson, CCCA
Allan M. Johnston
James W. Greenshields
Rick Thomas, CTR
Arne Anderson
John L. Karman, RSW
Phillip L. McDade
Douglas R. Sanders
Manny Francisco
James A. Chaney
Ross G. Spiegel
10 years
Karel Brozik, CCCA
Garry Newnham, CTR
Luciano Teseo
Alan Downing
James M. Robertson
Beverley Darling
Shawn T. Frayn, CTR
Edward L. Soenke
Eugene A. Valentine
Daryl Glover, CTR
Murray Wilson
Bradley J. McWilliam,
Jori J. Toniello
Christopher Roszell
Robert Callahan, CCCA
Randy Smith, CTR
Robert Jocelyn
Kazim (Kaz) Kanani, CCCA, CSP
Elizabeth Veloso
Douglas G. Scorgie
Mike Eikermann
Patrick French
Pino Mascioli
Mackenzie Adkin, CTR
Dana Gabrielow
Brett Balog
Shamanna S. Kelamangalam, CTR
Joelene Schultz, CTR
James I. Wood
Chris Hunter, CTR, CCCA
Tony Lourenco
Jeff Thompson
Derek Decooman, CTR
Don Lagimodiere
Kimberley Murphy
Mark Clemmensen, RSW
Michel Zerey
Wendy Scott
Brad Beharrell, CCCA
Jim Smiley
Leon Starobinsky, CTR
Jeff Sonoda
Dean Doyle
Peter N. Boskovic
Terry Frank
Richard Gluns
Shaune Smith, CCCA
Sasha A. Donskov
Stacey Bogdanow, CTR
Allan Randall
Terri Randall
Tracey Stawnichy
Paul Hargest
Michael T. Owen, Sr.
Derek Young, CCCA
Richard Baumgartner
Jack A. Cusimano
Aaron Hatch, CTR
Mario Lemay
John-Nevan G. McCulloch
Parviz Bakhtiary, CTR
Bruno Bonavitacola, CTR
Simon Chan, CTR
Kim Winchester, CTR
Marc L. Hebert
Marty Lockman, CCCA |