Specifying success in Kelowna

Kimberley J. Thompkins, association vice-president and one of the event’s co-chairs, shares the podium with the event’s keynote speaker, Jen Rustemeyer, a filmmaker behind the award-winning documentary, Just Eat It.

Bob W. Spenst, CTR, CCCA
A strong proponent of educational programs, Bob Spenst has worked tirelessly for the betterment of the association at the national level with the board of directors, as well as the Certified Technical Representative (CTR) and Certified Construction Contract Administrator (CCCA) Education Subcommittees. At the chapter level, he serves as a great CSC ambassador to the local Saskatoon construction industry.

Spenst was among the first group of members to achieve both CTR and CCCA designations, showing his commitment to the association’s education and certification courses. He has also participated in the DACUM curriculum-development process that established the content of the educational topic material in the re-envisioning of those two education programs.

His various Saskatoon Chapter executive positions have included chair, vice-chair, and trade officer; during his tenure, his group took home the Lloyd Boddy Award for Chapter of the Year.

A warm welcome to the Ice District
Next year, the CSC annual conference moves one province east to Alberta, with the Edmonton Chapter hosting the big event in late May 2018. The City of Champions will serve as a particularly apt site for a design/construction gathering, as Edmonton is currently developing an ambitious $2.5-billion mixed-use sports and entertainment district on some 10 ha (25 acres) of land. While this project will no doubt serve as a backdrop for some of the conference’s sessions, the main draws of the big CSC annual event are timeless and not tied to a specific locale—technical education, networking, and the opportunity to see old friends once again.

At the conference, the association also took time to recognize those who had achieved their CSC industry designations over the last year.

Certified Specification Practitioners
Ryan Dawinan, CSP (Toronto)
Denny Duong, CSP (Toronto)
Michael Watts, CSP (Vancouver)

Certified Technical Representatives
Ryan Ardiel, CTR (Edmonton)
Paul Cantafio, CTR (Winnipeg)
Garratt Grenier, CTR (Edmonton)
Russell Ibbotson, CTR (Toronto)
Marc Michaud, CTR (Montréal)
Randy Smith, CTR (Vancouver)

Certified Construction Contract Administrators
Charbel Abou-Taych, CCCA (Ottawa)
James Dickie, CCCA (Toronto)
Ashraf Hanna, CCCA (Toronto)
Brian Hepworth, CCCA (Ottawa)
Dan Jenik, CCCA (Toronto)
Kevin McEwen, CCCA (Saskatoon)
Ken McNamera, CCCA (Edmonton)
Ian Miller, CCCA (Toronto)
Greg Mylks, CCCA (Saskatoon)
David John Neil, CCCA (Alberta)
Giuseppe (Joe) Serravite, CCCA (Toronto)
Mehdi Shirzadi, CCCA (Toronto)
Charmaine So, CCCA (Toronto)
Albert Thomas, CCCA (Toronto)
Gerald Williams, CCCA (Toronto)

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