For myriad efforts and achievements ranging from social-media campaign startups and website revitalization plans to implementing the Principles of Construction Documentation (PCD) course at Toronto’s George Brown College, Kaz Kanani, CCCA, CSP, took home a Program Director’s Award.
Technical Studies
Alain Boudrias from the Montréal Chapter and Jonathan Dee from Ottawa were honoured by the Technical Studies Committee for their work on, respectively, the Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) 2QC subcommittee and the Institute for Building Information Modelling in Canada (IBC).
For her many years as the group publisher and CEO of Kenilworth Media, publisher of Construction Canada, Ellen Kral was recognized at both the awards luncheon and CSC annual general meeting with a certificate and gift. She was instrumental in the growth of the magazine over almost two decades, helping to increase its circulation, revenue, and frequency while overseeing improvements in online presence and helping launch initiatives like weekly e-newsletters.
Fifty years of Fellowship
In addition to these various honours and accolades, three CSC members were chosen for the College of Fellows. This year, the group celebrated its 50th year, marking the occasion with an induction ceremony open to the public. Phil Evans, FCSC (chancellor), Peter Semchuk, FCSC, RSW, CCCA (dean), David Watson, FCSC, CSP (registrar), and many other Fellows were also part of a special luncheon presentation that paid homage to these hallowed members, including the new trio of inductees.
Peter S. Emmett, CCCA
Peter Emmett has made significant contributions to the enhancement of CSC over the course of his membership. A licensed member of the Nova Scotia Association of Architects (NSAA) and member of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) for 28 years, he has been part of the association since 2004. He joined the CSC Atlantic Chapter Executive prior to Conference 2008 in Halifax, where he participated on the Conference Committee and became the chapter chair.

At the Executive Council level (which includes his stint as president in 2015/16), his background in architecture and contract administration helped tremendously in the various subcommittees. When responsible for the education portfolio, Emmett was instrumental in bringing updated courses for rollout. During this time, the Educational Maintenance Task Team (EMTT) was formed, initially to update the documents, but evolving to perform a larger task. As VP Legislative he was heavily involved in updating CSC bylaws to meet new Canadian requirements, and was responsible for needed updates to the CSC Administrative Manual.
Aside from his day job as national practice leader of construction contract administration at Architecture49, Emmett has participated in many other industry association boards over the years, including the Design Construction Institute (DCI); he has also organized bi-annual trade shows on behalf of NSAA.
Ken Rowson
A tireless CSC supporter known for his laidback humour and highly effective leadership, Ken Rowson worked in the window industry before starting at Alumicor as a sales representative in 1982. He became a member of CSC a decade later, earning accolades like the Program Director’s Award and CSC Chapter Awards of Merit, while also holding numerous positions in the Winnipeg Chapter and having significant roles in the national conference when it was held in that city.
Under his guidance as chair, the chapter won the Lloyd Boddy Award for Chapter of the Year and successfully delivered the first nationally promoted education workshops (i.e. Specifier 1 and CA).