SCC announces joint plumbing and heating standard with U.S.

by Katie Daniel | July 6, 2015 10:49 am

Man's hands with wrench turning off valves[1]
The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) established a Joint National Standard for balloon-type ball backwater valves to benefit the plumbing and heating industries in both countries. Photo courtesy Bialasiewicz

The Standards Council of Canada[2] (SCC) joined the American National Standards Institute[3] (ANSI) to create a single standard for balloon-type ball backwater valves for the U.S. and Canadian plumbing and heating industries.

The new standard is a first of its kind developed by ULC Standards[4], an SCC accredited Standards Development Organization (SDO) and UL Standards. Both the SCC and ANSI will support its development and maintenance.

“SCC is pleased to work alongside ANSI, UL, and ULC Standards on this Joint National Standard benefitting the plumbing and heating industry in both Canada and the United States,” said SCC CEO John Walter. “After hearing from industry representatives, we are certain this standard will enhance industry competitiveness and reduce impediments to cross-border trade within this sector.”

In 2014, a panel of Canadian and U.S. industry representatives, which included members of the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating (CIPH), concluded a Joint National Standard for balloon-type ball backwater valves would benefit most Canadian and American customers.

Balloon-type ball backwater valves operate as an automated device. When sensors detect a sewer backup, the control panel inflates the balloon bladder to effectively seal off the sanitary waste pipe. This prevents sewage from potentially causing flood damage to basements. It is considered a fault-resistant product combining three elements:

The joint standard will also allow for a retrofit device to be installed in the existing sanitary waste piping without the cost of excavating concrete floors, which is currently required. With an increased incidence of flood risk and the cost of installing backwater valves—especially residential retrofits—this product will have a valuable impact in both the Canadian and U.S. marketplace.

  1. [Image]:
  2. Standards Council of Canada:
  3. American National Standards Institute:
  4. ULC Standards:

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