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The Saskatchewan Construction Association (SCA) is calling on municipalities and private industries to keep building, as well as urging provincial and federal governments to publicly support the continuation of construction projects during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a statement, Mark Cooper, president of SCA said, “Last week’s news that the province designated construction as an allowable business during COVID-19 was welcome, and it was the correct decision. That said, over the past few days, I have heard from many members that are deeply concerned that municipal infrastructure and private industry projects are being delayed or shut down due to escalating pandemic fear. If this happens, it will be terrible for Saskatchewan’s economy, a major blow to the industry, and hurt the 53,000 Saskatchewan construction workers and their families that depend on this income.”
“The province and the chief medical health officer have determined that work on construction sites can continue so long as those sites can be operated safely and in compliance with all public health directives,” the statement continued. “In the non-residential construction world, nearly every site can be made reasonably safe, and contractors across the province are making all necessary adjustments to allow them to build on safely in the era of COVID-19.”
“I am calling on municipalities across Saskatchewan, as well as private industry, to continue with scheduled projects and to accelerate activity in the project pipeline by fast-tracking design and construction,” the statement said. “To support this, we call on the federal government to lift conditions for municipal infrastructure funding and flow the money now as a means of economic development and stimulus vitally needed for Saskatchewan. Finally, I am asking the provincial government to send a clear and public signal that wherever possible, construction projects—whether federal, provincial, municipal, or private—should continue at pace.”