Roof Replacements: Do You Know the Facts?

Construction Canada brings you a quick quiz based on one of our feature articles each week. This week’s quiz is from the feature article titled Roof Replacements: The Impact on Energy and Carbon Emissions by Justin Koscher, president of the Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association (PIMA). Roof replacements can be a cost-effective strategy for building stakeholders aiming to reduce their carbon footprint and comply with emission reduction goals. This article discusses how roof replacements can support building performance standards and sustainability targets by enhancing energy efficiency and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.

Take this week’s questions and challenge yourself!

Quiz - Feb 19
1. Which of the following is cited as a key source of carbon emissions in Canada’s building sector?
2. Which climate zones are influencing roof replacement strategies for energy efficiency?
3. How much energy cost savings can a strip mall in Edmonton achieve by adding code-congruent insulation during a roof retrofit?

Take our previous quizzes!

The Ultimate Parapet Quiz: Test Your Roofing Smarts

How Well Do You Know Roof Ventilation History and Future Trends?

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