Alberta WoodWorks[2] is organizing a one-day workshop on “Engineering Essentials for Timber Design” in several cities. The event will take place at the Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre[3], Calgary, on May 7 and the Matrix Hotel[4], Edmonton, on May 8.
The workshop includes a presentation by Ghasan Doudak from the University of Ottawa[5].
The workshop covers basic engineering topics while delving deeper within each design area. It is a multilevel program suitable for beginners as well as experienced timber designers and specifiers. Some of topics to be covered include:
designing wood members for bending, tension, compression, and combined bending and axial tension;
background on published design values and adjustment factors;
design limitations and when a designer should venture outside current code provisions;
estimating and managing building shrinkage;
avoiding frequent mistakes/misunderstanding of certain design provisions in the Canadian Wood Design Manual tables;