CSC Regina tours football league’s new headquarters

by nithya_caleb | October 9, 2018 2:25 pm

On October 24, CSC’s Regina Chapter[1] will tour the newly constructed the Regina Minor Football[2] (RMF) headquarters from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

In 2011, RMF spearheaded the refurbishing of Leibel Field. With support from local community members in Regina and the surrounding area, RMF and the City of Regina[3] were able to turn the old Leibel Field into the facility it is today. In April 2017, construction began on RMF’s headquarters. The building completes the Leibel Field renovation, offering dressing rooms, an equipment room, and office and meeting spaces.

Following the tour, participants can head to the Lobby Kitchen & Bar[4] for appetizers.

Click here[5] to register.

  1. Regina Chapter:
  2. Regina Minor Football:
  3. City of Regina:
  4. Lobby Kitchen & Bar:
  5. here:

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