Québec construction group preparing integrity program

by Katie Daniel | October 6, 2015 10:05 am

business, building, teamwork, gesture and people concept - group of smiling builders or architects in hardhats greeting each other by handshake on construction site[1]
To restore the trust between the public and construction firms in Québec and combat corruption within the industry, L’Association de le Construction du Québec (ACQ) will launch an integrity program next year. Photo courtesy BigStockPhoto.com/dolgachov

L’Association de la Construction du Québec (ACQ) is in the process of launching a new integrity program to try and eliminate corruption within the province’s construction sector.

The association wants to regain the trust between construction firms, their workers, and the public. The program will give transparency to the activities companies partake in and educate employees about ethical behaviour. It was inspired by a similar program currently running in Germany and has seven key elements:

To date, six companies have participated in the pilot project for the program, which started in spring of 2014. The official launch date for the integrity program will be in 2016.

To learn more, click here. [2]

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/bigstock-business-building-teamwork-96929504.jpg
  2. here. : http://www.acq.org/services-et-produits/produits/programme-integrite/integrity-initiative.html

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/quebec-construction-group-preparing-integrity-program/