Pursuing new heights in Calgary at 2023 CSC Conference

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Hiebert continues to actively support the association in so many ways—by way of his involvement as a mentor at the chapter level, to committed involvement in chapter activities including student design competition, Connection Cafés, and conferences, to teaching the technical representative course (virtual workshop) and encouraging his staff to become certified technical representatives. He does not coach from the sidelines; he is truly and deeply committed to CSC.

National Award of Merit

This award is presented to members in recognition of their contributions to the well-being of CSC beyond that of a Chapter Award of Merit, for exceptional effort, zeal, effectiveness, and time expended for the benefit of CSC as a whole and towards the betterment of the industry. This year, the National Award of Merit was presented to five individuals: Mike Ewaskiw, CTR, Harry Forbes, FCSC, Jeff Halashewski, RSW, Hugh Lim, and Matt Roberts, RSW.

Program Director Awards

Program Director Awards are presented to those who have provided commitment, dedication, and service towards the betterment of CSC, its core beliefs, and have assisted greatly towards the betterment of CSC programs. The award recipients have been nominated by the respective Program Directors.


In recognition of their work in preparation to host CSC Conference 2023, members of the 2023 Conference Committee received the Conference Program Director’s Award:

  • Colleen Barabonoff, RSW
  • Trevor Devnich
  • Sylvie Dzikewich, CTR
  • Corrinne Golding, FCSC, RSW
  • Jonathon Greenland, CTR
  • Peter Hiebert, FCSC, CTR
  • Kristen Janes

Technical Studies Committee

This award was presented to Mila Legge, FCSC, RSW, Don Shortreed, FCSC, RSW, and Jesse Watson, RSW, for the countless hours they put forth as the CSC representatives to the development and updating of CCDC documents.

Education Certification Committee

For their continued efforts to streamline and improve CSC education offerings and the certification/registration process, the following Education Certification Committee members received Program Director’s Awards:

  • Rick Adams, RSW
  • Colleen Barabonoff, RSW
  • Grace Bergen, CCCA
  • Bob Friesen, CCCA
  • Steven Ioannides, CTR
  • Michael Schneider, FCSC, CCCA
  • Adam Strachan, RSW
  • Jesse Watson, RSW

Membership Communications and Legislative

In recognition for her efforts in creating and maintaining an avenue of communications among chapter chairs to facilitate the exchange of information to better the chapters, this award was presented to:

  • Jennie Lamoureaux, CTR

For his continued efforts to better communicate the benefits of CSC membership to the industry, this award recognized:

  • Jonathon Greenland, CTR

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