Chapters: Accolades for individuals and collectives |
The President’s Chapter Awards of Merit encourage and recognize active, forward-looking chapters in categories ranging from membership growth and education programs to financial contributions and meeting attendance. When it came time to decide the best of the best and hand over the Lloyd Boddy Chapter of the Year Award, the Calgary chapter was the winner. The award recognizes the chapter’s efforts towards the goals of the association through professional development opportunities, spirit and participation in the local industry, and CSC committees.
The chapters also presented Chapter Awards of Merit to their own outstanding members. This year’s recipients include: All images from top right to bottom left: CSC president Kazim (Kaz) Kanani, FCSC, CSP, CCCA, CDT, presents the Chapter Award of Merit certificates. The Calgary chapter was this year’s winner of the Lloyd Boddy Chapter of the Year Award. |
Pursuing new heights in Calgary at 2023 CSC Conference
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