The Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) is inviting the public to participate in the fourth public review of proposed amendments to the 2020 editions of the National Model Codes.
Scheduled from Feb. 27 to Apr. 29, 2024, the public review period allows interested individuals to access and provide feedback on the suggested changes via the CBHCC’s website, enabling Canadians to play a role in the code development process. Following the public review, all comments will be considered by the relevant code development committees. Recommendations on the proposed changes will then be submitted to the CBHCC for approval. If accepted, the modifications will be incorporated into the 2025 editions of the National Model Codes.
The National Model Codes, once adopted by provincial or territorial authorities with jurisdiction over local building, fire, plumbing, and energy regulations, will impact the construction and safety standards across Canada. Interested parties can visit the CBHCC website for more information on the code development process.