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Kee Walk® Rooftop Walkway

Kee Safety Ltd.

07 72 46 Roof Walkways

Kee Walk provides a safe, anti-slip, level walkway for workers who need to access a roof in the course of their work. Its intelligent design protects the roof surface from unnecessary damage and integrates easily with either guardrails or lifeline systems.

Suitable for All Roofs: Kee Walk is designed for modern roof types including trapezoidal profile composite or built up and standing seam metal roofs. It can be used on flat, barrel, or sloping roofs, with steps and a traverse option so you can create access to virtually any roof configuration from 0 to 35 degrees.
Easy to Install:  Modules are supplied as 1.5m and 3m pre-assembled sections to suit the needs of different roofs. The glass-reinforced nylon or aluminum treads are attached to aluminum support beams that are fixed to the roof surface. There are no unique parts needed.

Protects You and the Roof: Kee Walk has been specially developed to give you total flexibility in creating safe access to all areas of a roof. Not only does it protect those accessing the roof, but it also protects the roof sheet itself. It does this thanks to its clearly defined access path eliminating foot traffic on the roof sheet.

Additional Information

Download the Kee Walk Brochure
Download Kee Safety Fall Protection Brochure
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Contact Information

Phone: +1 905 669 1494