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50400 Tuck Tape EvoSeam for Insulation Boards

Intertape Polymer Inc.

07 26 00 Vapor Retarders

Sealing joints of insulation boards requires a specially formulated tape that has both a strong adhesive and is flexible enough to withstand the expansion/contraction of the insulation material that happens during extreme temperature changes. Tuck Tape® EvoSeam™ Premium Seaming Tape is the best choice for sealing seams of exterior insulation boards. This tape is made of a multi-layer ultraviolet (UV) protected polyethylene film coated with a permanent bond adhesive.


    • High shear adhesive provides excellent initial tack to surfaces.
    • Will adhere to all major brands of insulation boards and air barriers.
    • Strong and durable holding power.
    • Film is flexible and can adapt to material expansion/contraction.
    • Seals around fasteners and nails.
    • Water and moisture resistant.
    • Prevents air infiltration.
    • Excellent resistance to UV.

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Phone: 514-474-8273