Polished and decorative concrete floors with CSC Vancouver Island

by | January 17, 2017 11:32 am

On Thursday, January 26, the Vancouver Island Chapter of CSC is hosting a luncheon discussion on polished and decorative concrete toppings.

Presented by Toronto Chapter member Sherri Wildman, CTR (ARDEX Designer Floors), the talk will centre on high-performance products for the creation of decorative concrete surfaces for retail stores, office buildings, hotels, casinos, restaurants, entertainment venues, lobbies, or any interior area where a concrete surface is desired. She will discuss decorative concrete toppings as one of the fastest growing trends in floor finishes, addressing substrate requirements, design and colour options, durability, and warranties.

This presentation will be in collaboration with the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC) Vancouver Island Chapter, and registered AIBC Members will receive 1 AIBC CES Core Learning Unit for attending. It takes place at the Fireside Grill from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. For more information, click here[1].

  1. here: http://vancouver-island.csc-dcc.ca/img/content/CSCVancouver%20Island/CSC%20Luncheon_Jan%2026%20Ardex.pdf

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/polished-and-decorative-concrete-floors-with-csc-vancouver-island/