PCD classes being offered in French

by | February 6, 2015 3:48 pm

The Montréal Chapter of CSC-DCC is now offering the Principles of Construction Documentation (PCD) course in French.

Beginning March 4, the program takes place on Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for six consecutive weeks. The instructor is Jeff Johnston, T. Arch, B. Arch, and classes take place at the Montréal offices of Pageau Morel et associés.

The PCD enables students to have a better understanding of construction documentation (specifications, drawings, and schedules), products, bidding procedures, and contracts. It also serves as a prerequisite to all the other CSC education courses and certifications.

The cost is $625 for members (non-members: $875), plus tax. For more information or to register, check out the chapter’s online brochure[1].

  1. brochure: http://montreal.csc-dcc.ca/img/content/CSCMontreal/CoursPDC2015annonce_F.pdf

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/pcd-classes-being-offered-in-french/