Passive House has released the English version of its Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) at the North American Passive House Network (NAPHN) Conference in Vancouver.
PHPP is used for designing energy-efficient buildings. The upgrade allows reliable calculation of the energy demand in accordance with internationally applicable criteria. It also takes into account power generation on or near the building. The tool already has been successfully launched in Germany.
“With this upgrade, PHPP can be applied on an even larger scale; it allows the designer to compare numerous design or retrofit situations in a comprehensible manner,” said Jan Steiger, development coordinator of PHPP at Passive House Institute (PHI).
PHPP is an Excel-based calculation tool serving as a reliable planning aid and verification nof compliance with the internationally applicable criteria of the Passive House standard and the EnerPHit standard for retrofits. It has provided architects, designers, and energy consultants the possibility of optimizing a building design on the basis of clear figures.
New Passive House classes will also begin at the launch of PHPP, including PH Classic, PH Plus and PH Premium where energy generation is taken into account based on criteria. The building’s energy demand is determined according to the system based on Primary Energy Renewable (PER). The first PH Plus buildings have already been certified in Europe.