Overcladding masonry facades: Additional practical insights

For overcladding structural masonry in cold climates, a rainscreen system provides the best opportunity for including continuous insulation (ci).
For overcladding structural masonry in cold climates, a rainscreen system provides the best opportunity for including continuous insulation (ci).

Choosing the right overcladding approach: Face-sealed system considerations

Regarding assembly design for management of water vapour and moisture, it is important to consider whether face-sealed systems are appropriate as an overcladding solution in any climate region. Whether a given face-sealed solution is stucco, EIFS, or system such as metal paneling with joints sealed with caulk or similar, these systems for exterior overcladding create challenges for enclosure design teams, who understand that there must be a way for moisture to drain or dry—as they are not ideal in most climates.

The recommended and appropriate uses of face-sealed overcladding systems would be generally for low-rise buildings in very or relatively dry climates with lots of sun and little rain. Even in these scenarios there could be benefits for designing and specifying one of the open, drained system types recommended for the majority of climate regions, whether conventional metal panels, fibre cement panel, or EIFS.


1 See the article by John R.S. Edgar, “Improving Continuous Insulation,” Construction Canada, November 14, 2016, www.constructioncanada.net/improving-continuous-insulation/.

2 Read the paper by Anis, Wagdy, FAIA, “Air Barrier Systems in Buildings,” published online by the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG), www.wbdg.org/resources/air-barrier-systems-buildings.

3 Visit the EIFS Council of Canada, EIFS Practice Manual, Version 1.0, p.13, www.exteriors.ca/holt001.pdf.


Albert Aronov, AIA, is a partner with RKTB Architects, P.C. Aronov specializes in building restoration, as well as new construction in the academic, residential, and commercial sectors. He has led his firm’s education studio since 2004.

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