Ottawa architect’s plan for revitalizing ByWard Market

A report by Architects DCA calls for a pedestrian-friendly ByWard Market in Ottawa. Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons
A report by Architects DCA calls for a pedestrian-friendly ByWard Market in Ottawa.
Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Architects DCA is on a mission. It wants to redesign Ottawa’s ByWard Market and bring it up to the standards of world-renowned destinations like Vancouver’s Granville Market, Santa Monica’s Third Street Promenade, and Boston’s Fanueil Market.

Architects DCA has conducted a self-directed research and created design report on the market. Key themes include vehicular dependence, the importance of density, and numerous examples of similar public places. The report “ByWard Market Study – Reclaiming City Streets for People” provides a three-phase approach to maximizing the potential of the historic landmark.

According to a report in Ottawa Citizen, Dreessen proposes closing some streets as a trial and removing the surface parking.

“I firmly believe the ByWard Market can once again be a vibrant, bustling public space that is a draw for tourists and locals alike”, says Toon Dreessen, president of Architects DCA. “But in order to be successful, political will and a deep public commitment to a less automobile-centred environment is vital.”

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