Ontario winery roof impresses ARMA

by Samantha Ashenhurst | February 15, 2018 12:16 pm

Al Anthony Roofing received an honourable mention from the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA) for its installation at Closson Chase Winery in Hillier, Ont.
Photo © Johnny CY Lam

An Ontario project received an honourable mention at the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association[2]’s (ARMA’s) annual Quality Asphalt Roofing Case-study[3] (QARC) Awards. Al Anthony Roofing[4] of Consecon, Ont., was recognized for its church roof installation at Closson Chase Winery[5] in the neighbouring village of Hillier in Prince Edward County.

The QARC Awards recognize contractors across North America who opt for the installation of asphalt roofing systems.

“This year’s submissions demonstrated asphalt’s ability to provide a durable and reliable roofing system against harsh weather while simultaneously offering an array of beautiful colors, designs and installation options,” said Ralph Vasami, ARMA’s acting executive vice president. “These projects are true examples of what asphalt roofing can offer commercial businesses and private homeowners alike.”

Imbus Roofing[6] received this year’s Gold QARC Award for its installation at the Cincinnati Music Hall[7]. Reliant Roofing[8] was awarded Silver for Florida’s Topsail Residence, while Thomas Company[9] received Bronze for its installation at the Museum of the American Revolution[10] in Pennsylvania.

To submit a project for next year’s QARC Awards, click here[11].

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/All-photos-by-Johnny-CY-Lam.jpg
  2. Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association: https://asphaltroofing.org/
  3. Quality Asphalt Roofing Case-study: https://asphaltroofing.org/qarc/about-qarc/
  4. Al Anthony Roofing: http://www.alanthonyroofing.ca/
  5. Closson Chase Winery: http://clossonchase.com/
  6. Imbus Roofing: http://imbusroofing.com/
  7. Cincinnati Music Hall: https://www.cincinnatiarts.org/music-hall
  8. Reliant Roofing: http://reliantroofing.com/
  9. Thomas Company: http://www.thomascoinc.com/
  10. Museum of the American Revolution: http://www.amrevmuseum.org/
  11. here: https://asphaltroofing.org/qarc/submit-your-entry-2-2/

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/ontario-winery-roof-impresses-arma/