Ontario recognizes achievements in environmental protection

by Katie Daniel | April 25, 2016 2:53 pm

Ontario celebrates winners of Minister’s Award for Environmental Excellence for 2015. Photo © Bigstock.com/diegocervo
Ontario celebrates winners of Minister’s Award for Environmental Excellence for 2015.
Photo © Bigstock.com/diegocervo

The Province of Ontario recently announced the winners of the 2015 Minister’s Award for Environmental Excellence.

The program recognizes individuals, advocacy groups, companies, municipalities, and post-secondary institutions that have worked to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, improve air quality and climate change resilience, and showcase leaders and best management practices in climate change work. The recipients promoted energy retrofits and engagement strategies to help schools and housing projects surpass GHG reduction goals, and supported clean technology, energy innovations, and bike-friendly communities.

“We celebrated outstanding efforts of individuals, groups, and companies who protect the environment and fight climate change in Ontario,” said Glen Murray, minister of the environment and climate change. “I know these award recipients will inspire others to be innovators, not only because it is good for the planet, but because innovation helps build a strong economy and create jobs.”

The award-winners include:

To learn more about the winners, click here.[1]

  1. here.: https://news.ontario.ca/ene/en/2016/04/recipients-of-the-2015-ministers-award-for-environmental-excellence.html

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/ontario-recognizes-achievements-in-environmental-protection/