Ontario partnership to boost confidence in residential construction for homeowners

by nithya_caleb | November 24, 2017 9:28 am

The Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA), Tarion Warranty Corporation, and the Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA) have signed a partnership agreement to increase consumer protection for new home-buyers, improve industry standards, and achieve greater consistency in education and application of standards in the province’s new home-building industry.
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Earlier this fall, the Ontario Building Officials Association[2] (OBOA), Tarion Warranty Corporation[3], and the Ontario Home Builders’ Association[4] (OHBA) announced a partnership agreement to increase consumer protection for new home-buyers, improve industry standards, and achieve greater consistency in education and application of standards in the province’s new home-building industry.

The Ontario Building Partnership solidifies a framework in which the three organizations can act to uphold excellence in Ontario’s building industry. Although the partners have traditionally worked together, this agreement provides a blueprint to uphold excellence and elevate the new home building industry.

One of the partnership’s first initiatives includes striking a new working group to focus on:

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/partnership.jpg
  2. Ontario Building Officials Association: https://www.oboa.on.ca/
  3. Tarion Warranty Corporation: https://www.tarion.com/
  4. Ontario Home Builders’ Association: https://www.ohba.ca/

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/ontario-partnership-boost-confidence-residential-construction-homeowners/