Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) and the Canada Coalition for Green Schools announced Dunbarton High School in Pickering, Ont., is the greenest school in the country.
The inaugural CaGBC Greenest School in Canada competition was launched on Earth Day 2014. The annual competition will examine K–12 schools across the country and look at the environmental impact, efficient use of resources, as well as emphasis on sustainability and resource-conservation education.
A jury selected Dunbarton as the winner based on its commitment to sustainability and awareness programs for both students and staff. Some of the initiatives at the school include:
● park rehabilitation, ‘bee condos’ to encourage pollination, and rain barrel sales;
● an organic waste collection program with nearby residents since the service is unavailable at the school; and
● educating students on energy and water consumption and its environmental impact.
The winning school receives prize money to fund a ‘green’ activity, as well as an entry into the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC’s) Greenest Schools on Earth competition.
Click here for more information about the winners.