Ontario city to soon get year-round covered tennis court

by tanya_martins_2 | June 24, 2024 9:04 am

sports air dome exterior[1]
The new facility will feature a six-court, air-supported dome and will create an additional 400 hours of court time per week. Photo courtesy bigstockphoto.com

The City of Mississauga has broken ground on a new, year-round covered tennis and pickleball court facility at Churchill Meadows Community Centre and Mattamy Sports Park.

This has been made possible by a $200,000 funding from Tennis Canada[2] and Rogers Communications as part of the Year-Round Community Tennis Courts Program.

The new facility will feature a six-court, air-supported dome and will create an additional 400 hours of court time per week in the winters, provide opportunities to host provincial, national, and international events, as well as drop-in and structured play, lessons and camp programming for children and youth.

The court is set to open in late 2024.

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/TM_MississaugaTennisCourt-1.jpg
  2. Tennis Canada: http://www.tenniscanada.com/facilities-program

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/ontario-city-to-soon-get-year-round-covered-tennis-court/