by mbuckstein | December 18, 2013 10:17 am
The Ontario Hot Mix Producers Association (OHMPA) recognized asphalt plants with 2013 Trillium Awards and also recertified four plants at the annual Fall Asphalt Seminar last week.
The December 11 event marked the 22nd annual seminar and eleventh awards presentation. The awarded plants must meet criteria in categories from appearance to operations and environmental to safety.
“OHMPA’s 22nd annual Fall Asphalt Seminar was a great success, bringing in over 475 attendees,” the group’s Abbi Wright told Construction Canada Online. “The theme of the event was ‘Asphalt—Paving the Way for Ontario’s Future,’ and our speakers shed light on advancements in warm mix asphalt and reclaimed asphalt pavement technologies that confirm asphalt is a sustainable and economical choice in paving today and will continue to be in the future.”
This year’s winning plants are:
Every three years, Trillium Award status must reapply for recertification. This year’s recertified plants were Miller Group’s E.C. King, Sydenham asphalt plant and New Liskeard, Port Colborne, and Whitby plants.
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