by sadia_badhon | May 19, 2020 3:37 pm
As part of the first stage of its reopening framework, the Ontario government will allow all construction activities to resume, provided the general trend on health indicators continues to improve.
“The workplaces opening as part this stage are well-positioned to put workplace safety measures in place and get more people back to work, while not overburdening public transit and other services,” a press release from the Ontario government said.
The government and health and safety associations have released more than 90 safety guidance documents[2] to assist employers in multiple sectors, including construction, retail, facilities maintenance, and manufacturing. As new sectors of the economy begin to reopen, additional resources will be made available to help protect the safety of workers and the general public.
“Because of the collective efforts of all Ontarians, we are making real and significant progress in our battle against COVID-19, with the number of new cases each day shrinking,” said Christine Elliott, deputy premier and health minister. “As we move forward with caution, public health experts will closely monitor each stage of reopening to carefully assess the evolution of the outbreak, so we can benefit from the best practices and lessons learned across Ontario.”
The Building Industry and Land Development Association[3] (BILD) and the Ontario Home Builders’ Association[4] (OHBA) applaud the government’s decision to allow the resumption of construction activities.
“This will enable the industry to meet the housing, non-residential building, and renovation needs of residents in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and Ontario,” BILD said in a press release.
“The full resumption of construction activity will help to jump start the stalled economy, permit workers to provide for their families, and meet the needs of residents and businesses of the GTA,” said Dave Wilkes, CEO of BILD.
“The reactivation of construction and renovations for both residential and non-residential means the industry can work through the short Canadian construction season and deliver the keys to businesses waiting for their new work spaces and thousands of families waiting for the keys to their new homes,” said Joe Vaccaro, CEO, OHBA.
The Residential Construction Council of Ontario[5] (RESCON) also agrees with the government’s decision to allow work to proceed on all construction sites, including new housing projects in the residential sector.
“Allowing all residential construction to proceed will have a tremendously positive impact on the economic recovery of the province as well as ensuring that housing is provided for thousands of Ontarians,” said RESCON president Richard Lyall. “It will be critical that the municipal development and building review, permitting, and inspection process support the industry’s efforts.”
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