Ontarians support home energy labelling

The majority of Ontario residents support the standardization of energy-efficient home labelling. Photo © BigStockPhoto/Karamysh.

A new poll suggests almost three-quarters of Ontarians want mandatory energy labelling for homes. The Canadian branch of North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA Canada) has released the results, showing 70 per cent of residents support the introduction of a standardized efficiency labelling system.

This would refer to the energy efficiency level of a residence at the time of purchase. By standardizing these calculations nationally, and making them available, buyers would become aware of the energy efficiency of their potential new homes, explained Jay Nordenstrom, NAIMA Canada executive director.

“The poll demonstrates a majority want all the information related to a home, including the expense of operating it before deciding to buy,” he said. “I can appreciate this as it is one of the largest financial decisions one might make in a lifetime. Labelling would be a good thing for Ontario’s tradespeople, architects, and engineers as it would encourage homeowners to increase their home’s energy efficiency through retrofits.”

The results have increased since a similar poll conducted in 2009, which demonstrated 60 per cent of residents were supportive of the standardization. The limited access to energy efficiency calculations was recently explored by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario and published in the 2011 Annual Energy Conservation Progress Report.

The recent poll conducted by North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA Canada) demonstrates the support of Ontario residents for home energy labelling standardization. Image courtesy NAIMA Canada.

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