NS chooses store-within-a-store design for cannabis sales

by nithya_caleb | May 18, 2018 1:56 pm

Rendering of the entrance to the cannabis zone in an existing Nova Scotia liquor store. Photo courtesy Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation[1]
Rendering of the entrance to the cannabis zone in an existing Nova Scotia liquor store.
Photo courtesy Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation

The Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation[2] (NSLC) has unveiled its initial cannabis store designs[3]. Cannabis will be sold in 12 stores across the province when recreational marijuana becomes legal in summer. However, only one of them will be a stand-alone store. The rest would be setup as dedicated cannabis zones in existing liquor shops.

According to a report in The Star Halifax[4], the 11 liquor stores would be renovated at a cost of $500,000. Since minors are not allowed to enter stores that carry pot products, the store-within-a-store design includes an opaque wall to cordon off the cannabis zone, and a separate entrance.

At a press conference, NSLC’s CEO Bret Mitchell said, “We have what I consider a modern, bright, really merchandise-intense full-service environment which we are going to roll in July.”

Per The Star Halifax, renderings of the store interiors look well-lit, with white walls and a few bright punches of colour. Additionally, a wall of weed boxes behind the cash registers show off the variety of products on offer.

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/NSLC_Cannabis_StoreDesign_Entrance.jpg
  2. Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation: https://www.mynslc.com/
  3. cannabis store designs: https://www.mynslc.com/en/Cannabis/Cannabis-Store-Designs
  4. The Star Halifax: https://www.thestar.com/halifax/2018/05/07/ready-to-roll-nslc-unveils-designs-for-cannabis-stores-in-nova-scotia.html

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/ns-chooses-store-within-a-store-design-for-cannabis-sales/