Newfoundland and Labrador has grown a $23.8 million war chest aimed towards supporting 23 recreation, green, rural, and public transit infrastructure projects across the province.
Among the projects funded, enhancements to the Great Trail in Corner Brook will promote active transportation along the city’s waterfront, and the Shoal Harbour Causeway Bridge in Clarenville will be replaced to make it safer for motorists and pedestrians. Additonally, the Inuit Community Government of Hopedale will extend its water and sewer mains to an unserved commercial area of the community, improving access to clean potable water and wastewater collection.
The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is investing more than $9.6 million towards these projects. The Government of Canada is providing more than $9 million, while the municipalities and other recipients are contributing more than $5.1 million in total.
“Municipal leaders have the insight into how best to improve their communities, and we support their efforts to responsibly benefit the people living in their areas. All of these projects that we are funding today are necessary to help communities achieve that goal. We look forward to working with our federal and municipal partners on more projects in the future,” says Honourable Andrew Furey, premier of Newfoundland and Labrador.