More Than a Cabin in the Woods: Designing homes using CLT and passive solar strategies

Eight probes were installed in various spots, on the east, south, and north façades—some closer to the CLT panels, others closer to the exterior envelope—to measure how humidity migrates through the walls.

Laroche’s project is about building small, harnessing a renewable source of energy, and using a natural product not just for its beauty, but also for its properties and ecological benefits. Right from the beginning, this small retreat in the woods was designed as a demonstration project to illustrate alternative ways of looking at construction.

Although some of the CLT panels’ advantages—including cost benefits—may not be as substantial here as they have proven to be with medium-scale buildings, the point is made.1 Cross-laminated timber panels represent a valid alternative to traditional structural materials. In a country where forests abound, this sends a strong message about the wood products industry.

During the time of this article’s writing, news came of a 13-storey, 94-apartment CLT building is to be erected in Québec City in the coming year. The announcement followed an 18-month negotiation blitz with the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ), which plays a major role in regulating the construction industry in the province.

Not entirely surprisingly, the one and only manufacturer of CLT panels in the province will be part of the consortium involved in the new multi-residential project. Nevertheless, this is a major breakthrough—one that might truly demonstrate, at a much larger scale than Laroche’s modest home, cross-laminated timber panels’ benefits.

Odile Henault oct 2014Odile Hénault was trained as an architect in Halifax. After creating and single-handedly producing the architecture magazine Section a, from 1983 to 1986, she had a multifaceted career during which she worked as a critic, editor, curator, teacher, and professional advisor. Hénault can be reached at

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