by Greg Hofsted
As I write my last President’s Message, I have had a chance to reflect on my CSC journey over the last seven plus years with fond memory. It has been said many times, the CSC experience is really about the people—construction industry professionals from a diverse range of sectors and skill sets coming together to share, learn, and grow. A volunteer-driven organization, CSC stays current and relevant due to the passion and commitment of actively engaged individuals who share their time and talent at the chapter and association levels. Without you, and your active participation, there is no CSC. Thank you for your ongoing commitment and support.
Executive director Nick Franjic, CAE, program and services manager Clafton A. Fiola, CAE, and membership and client services manager Brad Noble manage the day-to-day operations of the association. Gentlemen, thank you for all you do in support of our members, the board of directors, alliance partners, and sponsors.
Last but not least, many thanks to the board of directors and executive council for sharing their time, talent, and leadership abilities for the betterment of CSC as a whole. It has been said great things can be accomplished when you are surrounded by great people, and I believe that this is a testament to the past and ongoing success of CSC.
The outlook and leadership of CSC remains strong for the foreseeable future. CSC is in very good hands with Wyatt Eckert at the helm as incoming president along with his future successors—Kimberly J. Tompkins, FCSC, CTR, Kazim (Kaz) Kanani, CSP, CCCA, and David A. Graham. Thank you for your help, guidance, and support during my CSC journey.
I have met and served with an amazing group of individuals at the chapter and association levels over the years. I am eternally grateful for the many friendships, personal and professional growth opportunities, and mentorship that were a direct result of my involvement with CSC. I encourage you all to become actively involved and share in the true essence of the CSC experience. Whatever you put in, you will get back tenfold.
Together, we work to better ourselves and our industry. Together, we are CSC!