I would like to start with virtually the same opening line as my December address, and in times like this, it needs to be repeated: Congratulations, you made it!
We are about to embark on the 21st year of the 21st century. Let that sink in first. By now we should all have decided our New Year’s resolutions. It can be hard to stick to new resolutions when so many of us are struggling to keep our heads above water. Fortunately, we have an entire community to leverage and lean on. CSC is that community!
I would like to encourage all members to add three more resolutions to their 2021 list.
1. Engage a non-CSC member
Engagement of a non-member does not need to be an onerous task. Reaching out to an industry partner to introduce them to CSC is as easy as a personal invitation to a chapter meeting, a heads-up about a CSC webinar, or direction on where to find our website and social media offerings for information about the organization.
2. Plan for CSC volunteer hours
Volunteering time is rewarding no matter the platform. In terms of CSC, reach out to your local chapter or the association office for opportunities. CSC can always find a place for those willing to participate, whether on a committee or task team or providing some instruction hours for one of our many education offerings. Volunteerism is a great way to engage.
3. Invest in yourself
Perhaps more so than at any other time in our careers, 2020 has taught us to be resilient, agile, diligent, and strategic. Focus on continuing education can help address each of these matters. Formal education courses, webinars, and local chapter events make CSC’s continuing education offerings one of the best platforms in the industry. Unique to CSC is access to a national and international group of technical representatives who are experts in their fields. Do not underestimate the value of good old-fashioned conversation with these industry partners as part of your continuing education strategy.
If we can each find a way to carve out time for these three items, we will undoubtedly continue to ensure CSC is a prosperous and engaging organization. Cheers to 2021! May we all be healthy, safe, and CSC!