LEEDing Opportunities for Glass and Glazing: Ottawa paramedic service headquarters

The Ottawa Paramedic Service Headquarters (OPSH), designed by Griffi ths Rankin Cook Architects, was the fi rst LEED-certifi ed project in Ottawa. Optimized to be 30 per cent better than the Model National Energy Code for Buildings (MNECB), the project features occupant-controlled temperature, natural ventilation, and daylighting. Photo courtesy GRC Architects Inc.
The Ottawa Paramedic Service Headquarters (OPSH), designed by Griffiths Rankin Cook Architects, was the first LEED-certified project in Ottawa. Optimized to be 30 per cent better than the Model National Energy Code for Buildings (MNECB), the project features occupant-controlled temperature, natural ventilation, and daylighting.
Photo courtesy GRC Architects Inc.

The Ottawa Paramedic Service Headquarters (OSPH) is the first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)-certified facility in Ottawa. It is also the first and only headquarters for paramedic services in the National capital region. The 9290-m2 (100,000 sf), two-storey, state-of-the-art facility consolidated staff and operations from different locations of the city.

The design of program requirements, architectural character, and sustainable design were integrated as a holistic approach. The energy-efficient glazing system yielded an excellent solar co-efficient. The quality and esthetics of the glass also contributed to the overall corporate identity expressed in the architecture of the building. The high-speed garage doors benefit the daily operation as well as significantly reduce loss of heated or cooled air from the building.

OPSH was designed to post-disaster requirements with innovative approaches to building systems leading to efficiencies in heating and ventilation, lighting, and heat reclaim systems. Some of the sustainable elements include:

  • durable building envelope;
  • energy-efficient glazing;
  • good indoor air quality (IAQ) with use of products low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde-free;
  • 30 per cent reduction in energy use;
  • high-efficient lighting with occupancy sensor;
  • exterior views in 90 per cent of interior spaces; and
  • diversion of 75 per cent of construction waste from landfills.

Project Team
Architect: GRC Architects Inc.
Tenant: City of Ottawa/Ottawa Paramedics
Owner: Forum Leasehold Partners Inc.
Design-Builder: Aecon Westeinde Alliance
LEED Consultant: Enermodal Engineering

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