Photo courtesy RJC Engineers
Owners, engineers, and contractors involved in the design, operation, maintenance, and restoration of parking garages and building podium decks need to understand the role and importance of waterproofing systems in protecting these facilities. When there is a lack of proper attention to these systems, repair and maintenance costs increase and anticipated service lives suffer.
Methods of protection for parking garages and podium decks have evolved and changed dramatically over the past 30 years. Old ways of thinking and design have given way to new understandings of deterioration mechanisms and protection needs—some of which are reflected in new requirements in the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) S413, Parking Structures. The increased understanding of how moisture and de-icing salts accelerate deterioration in concrete and steel structures has encouraged growth in this sector. The long-term performance of these buildings is directly related to the effectiveness of the waterproof barriers utilized to prevent moisture and de-icing salt contamination, as well as the management of the salt-laden water entering the facility. An article in our latest sponsored e-book delves into waterproofing for concrete parking structures.
This waterproofing article along with two others appears in our newest e-book “How Best to Waterproof Concrete,” a free, downloadable resource. To get your copy in either pdf or digital edition, visit www.constructioncanada.net/ebook/kryton-how-best-to-waterproof-concrete-e-book.