Largest North American recycling facility opens in Toronto

by mbuckstein | July 3, 2013 10:40 am

The Arrow Road material recycling facility (MRF) Complex in Toronto can process more than 60 tons of waste an hour. Photo © Canada Fibers.

The continent’s largest material recycling facility (MRF) capable of finding new uses for commercial and residential waste opened in Toronto.

Phase one of the Arrow Road MRF Complex was completed in 2010 and focused on recycling industrial, commercial, and institutional (ICI) waste too difficult to process in traditional recycling facilities. Now, with the completion of Phase two of the Arrow Road Complex project, it has become the largest single-stream recycling facility in the country, processing more than 60 tons of waste an hour.

The facility includes 10 optical sorters and a continuous loop system to maximize material recovery. Additionally, bag-breaking and disk screen technologies are in place.

The grand opening of the facility, unveiled by Canada Fibers, took place on June 26 in Toronto.

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