Internationally trained architects get assistance in Canada

by mbuckstein | October 3, 2012 2:47 pm

The Broadly Experienced Foreign Architects (BEFA) Program, allowing foreign trained architects the ability to seek Canadian licenses, was launched last month with a speech by Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development, Diane Finley. Pictured here at the program’s launch (from left to right) Sheena Sharp (Ontario Association of Architects [OAA] president), André Bourassa (Ordre des architectes du Québec [OAQ] president), Minister Finley, Olena Pavlyuk, and David Craddock (Royal Architectural Institute of Canada [RAIC] president). Photo courtesy Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC).

A new program to offer architects trained abroad a route to becoming registered and licensed in Canada has been launched.

The lack of an evaluation method for international qualifications of architects trained outside of Canada identified the need for the Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities (CALA) to establish the Broadly Experienced Foreign Architects Program (BEFA) program nationally.

A three-step process has been established to assess the qualifications and experience of international architects in terms of Canadian standards. Applicants will undergo an eligibility assessment, online test, and an interview with registered architects.

The criteria to determine eligibility includes:
• degree and/or education in architecture;
• foreign architect licensure;
• minimum seven years of work experience after being licensed; and
• at least six months of relevant Canadian architectural work experience.

BEFA will operate with funding from Human Resources and Skill Development Canada (HRSDC) and will be administered by the Canadian Architecture Certification Board (CACB).

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