A one-day event that explores how building information modelling (BIM) is used around the world will be hosted in Toronto by the Institute for BIM in Canada (IBC) and its constituent organizations, as well as buildingSMART Canada.
On October 30 at the Allstream Centre at Exhibition Place, BIM Worldwide: Solutions for Canada will feature presentations from international experts. The keynote address, “BIM Relevance for All Project Sizes: Success for Lifecycle Management,” will be delivered by Patrick MacLeamy, HOK’s chair and CEO. Other sessions include:
Early adopters of BIM
Learn from some of the first countries to widely use BIM. Listen to speakers from Finland, Singapore, and Norway on the benefits they have seen in their design, construction, and facilities maintenance industries. Also, get insight into how BIM was adopted and first-hand perspectives on the impact it has on day-to-day activities.
Publicly mandated use of BIM
Find out more about countries where the use of BIM has been driven by government procurement agencies. Speakers from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Korea will discuss the implementation of BIM in their built environments, why those governments have chosen to utilize BIM, and the benefits they are witnessing in their construction, asset management, and maintenance industries. Learn where and how they mandate the use of BIM and what is expected in future public initiatives. The Canadian perspective will also be discussed, including steps already being taken by government departments.
Solutions for BIM implementation
This session explores not only specifications and operations & maintenance (O&M), but also tools and resources for Canadian practitioners. Implementing BIM can provide many benefits for operating and maintaining facilities throughout their lifecycle. Find out more about planning for and expecting valuable information deliverables to complement physical project deliverables through the use of BIM specifications, and how to best employ that information to ensure effective lifecycle management solutions at any scale.
There will also be panel wrap-ups for symposium attendees to ask direct questions of global experts in BIM implementation, along with a marketplace and a networking reception.
Registration is $420 (plus HST); visit www.buildingsmartcanada.ca/BIMworldwide.