Interactive map shows how green building creates jobs

“Green Buildings Map” was created by The Pembina Institute to show how many jobs are in the green building industry and where energy-efficient homes and buildings are located throughout British Columbia. Photo courtesy The Pembina Institute

Calgary-based energy company Pembina Institute has developed “Green Buildings Map,” which is an interactive display of the locations of energy-efficient homes and buildings throughout British Columbia, while also quantifying the number of jobs within the green building sector.

Released on the same day of the United Nations’ climate change conference in Paris, France, the map identifies more than 23,000 jobs available in both large cities and remote communities. The institute says companies in the green building sector are turning the climate challenge into an economic opportunity.

The green building sector employs 23,200 people both directly and indirectly. There are 8900 green homes and 1105 large green buildings in the province, and 34 manufacturers and suppliers in the industry.

“We wanted to paint a picture of the economic opportunity that green buildings represent,” said Karen Tam Wu, the institute’s program director for buildings and urban solutions. “Our map makes it clear we can build our way to a clean economy, one where we reduce energy use and carbon pollution, and create jobs.”

Although the B.C. government has taken steps to support the green building sector, according to the institute, it must take further action to meet the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets. The British Columbia Climate Leadership Team has recommended the province accelerate improvements in the building code’s energy-efficiency requirements over the next 10 years and commit to all new public-sector buildings being super energy-efficient starting in 2016.

For more information, click here.

To see how Pembina outfitted its new prefab offices, see the Construction Canada article here.

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